JTW JACEK CHODKOWSKI company obtained funding from the European Union for the implementation of the project titled "Production automation and robotization of internal transport in JTW Jacek Chodkowski."
The main goal of the project is to invest in the automation and robotization of the tubes production process as part of the production activities of JTW Jacek Chodkowski.
The following activities are planned as part of the project:
- consulting services,
- purchase of an automatic production and packaging line to produce tubes,
- implementation of an autonomous pallet truck.
As a result of the investment, the company will achieve several significant benefits, including increased productivity, cost optimization, high quality and repeatability of production, improved employee work comfort and elimination of certain barriers in access to work for people with disabilities. The implemented innovations will also contribute to minimizing the negative impact of conducted activities on the environment. An additional effect of the project will be the introduction of product innovation.
The main recipients of the project will be the company's existing and new customers, as well as end consumers (users).
#EUFunds #EuropeanFunds
Project value: PLN 9,011,041.50
Project funding: PLN 2,999,040.50

obtained funding from the European Union for the implementation of the project titled: "Development of a circular economy transformation business model for JTW Jacek Chodkowski."
The main goal of the project is the purchase by JTW JACEK CHODKOWSKI (located in Eastern Poland) of a consulting service covering the development of a business model for the operation of the enterprise based on the assumptions of circular economy.
The project includes, among others, the following actions:
• Analysis and description of the current business model with particular emphasis on identifying areas that may be ineffective from the perspective of the circular economy.
• Performing an internal audit and analysis.
• Analysis and preparation of a new business model.
The final result will be a comprehensive document - the circular economy business model of the transformation.
Target group: JTW JACEK CHODKOWSKI company. The implementation of the project will enable focusing on the economic model of the future (sustainable, low-emission and competitive economic activity).
#EUFunds #EuropeanFunds
Project value: PLN 82,781.00
Project funding: PLN 82,781.00

is implementing the project co-financed by European Funds:
"The project of internationalization of JTW Chodkowski Jacek cigarette tubes through expansion into the Spain market".
The aim of the project is the internationalization of operations on the Spain market.
Planned effects of the project:
- becoming ready to start selling products on the selected market,
- expansion on the selected market,
- developing activities thanks to the experience acquired through international business cooperation
and increasing revenues from export sales.
Project value: 473 153,78 PLN
European Fund contribution: 285 600,00 PLN

is implementing a project entitled:
"Implementation of a roadmap through investments and services exerting a considerable impact on the degree of application of Industry 4.0 technology at JTW Jacek Chodkowski company"
The project object is to prepare JTW Jacek Chodkowski to carry out a comprehensive transformation towards Industry 4.0, and to implement the selected areas of activities in the field of digitization, automation and robotization.
As a result of the project implementation, solutions in the area of advanced production technologies, digital factory and intelligent production – as described in detail in the roadmap – will be created. The project will have a major influence on the Beneficiary's functioning within the production activities, and its deployment will have a significant, positive impact on the ongoing processes functioning in the company.
Project implementation period: from 01 Feb 2022 to 31 Jan 2023
Project value
Total expenditure: PLN 1,541,559.00
Eligible expenditure: PLN 1,253,300.00
Financing of the project by the UE: PLN 800,000.00.
Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Smart Growth Operational Program
Priority axis 2 Support for the environment and the potential of enterprises to conduct R&D&I activities
Measure 2.4 Cooperation under the national innovation system
Sub-measure 2.4.1 Centre for analyses and pilot new instruments inno_LAB Pilotage Industry 4.0

is implementing the project co-financed by European Funds:
"The project of internationalization of JTW Chodkowski Jacek cigarette tubes through expansion into the US market".
The aim of the project is the internationalization of operations on the US market.
Planned effects of the project:
- introducing organizational and process changes in the company,
- becoming ready to start selling products on the selected market,
- expansion on the selected market,
- developing activities thanks to the experience acquired through international business cooperation
and increasing revenues from export sales.
Project value: 518,969.62 PLN
European Fund contribution: 328,650.00 PLN

JTW Chodkowski Jacek
implements a project co-financed by European Funds:
Adapting the offer of JTW Chodkowski Jacek to the needs of internationalization
The aim of the project is to adapt the offer of JTW Chodkowski Jacek to the needs of internationalization by launching the production of cigarette tubes
Project value: PLN 3,400,000.00,
European Fund contribution: PLN 827 820.00